so, last night, my baby left me. he went off to a concert with bestman (who's in town again). i was doing alright on my lonesome, catching up on my big knitting project (finally finished, yay!) and messing around with some new ones. as i started to tidy up, i noticed my old journal from 1999-2000. it chronicled the search for my first apartment in nyc, the starting of a crappy assistant job that i did for much of the year, meeting of several lads that led nowhere, and ultimately the meeting of mil.
(sidenote: i just killed the fly. sad, but i had to do it or i might've become homicidal by evening. sorry, fly. rip.)
anyway, this old journal made me realize why my blog is so boring. nothing particularly dramatic happens when you're reasonably happy with your job and you've found the man you want to spend the rest of your life with. i imagine things get more interesting perhaps once you have kiddos, but we're not there yet (as mentioned before). perhaps i'll resurrect some old entries to keep things more interesting around here. are you interested?
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