so this weekend was the famed shower/bachelorette party. ok, "famed" only because i mentioned it before... all i can say is that i survived. these things wear me out. i got up at 8am saturday morning to get ready to meet my mom and a couple of the other bridesmaids for the trek up to ct. i knew it was going to be an interesting day when one of the bridesmaids called me up at 8:45 saying that she's still looking for a parking space (we weren't supposed to meet until 9:30). turned out it was a wise warning because she didn't find a spot until 9:20, and it was on the other side of the city. she had to take a cab to meet us... (this is why i don't own a car.) anyway, the shower went pretty smoothly. i injured myself putting together the

rehearsal bouquet (for those unfamiliar with this tradition, this is when one of the lucky bridesmaids takes all of the bows and flowers from the shower gifts and puts them together on a plate to make a fake bouquet for the wedding rehearsal -- fun, right!?!). the only other problem was that the shower theme was pretty lame: rock around the clock. which meant that you had to bring a gift that fits into a certain time of the day. mine was 12-5pm. hmm... mil and i thought it would be fun to get a little pink bowling-bag style purse and fill it with a little shopping journal/silly wallet/keychain, etc. all with a funky vintage pink theme. since the bride loves to shop, it seemed like a logical 12-5 gift. well, everyone else got fancy registry gifts that had nothing to do with the retarded rock-around-the-clock theme. this is all well-and-good, but it made my silly pink bowling bag look like a lame, cheapo gift. this experience made the whole opening-up-gifts-in-front-of-people-to-show-off-how-much-was-spent seem even more disgusting and shallow than i initially thought. yuck. fortunately, my mom was there as well and showed everyone else up by getting this beautiful antique handkerchief with shopgirl's initial on it and a shadowbox with her wedding invitation beautifully displayed. so there, all you materialistic snobs. (ok, that makes me no better than them, but i love having a mom with such great taste. it gives me something to aspire to... when i have money, that is.)
after the adult-y shower, we were pampered by shopgirl's awesome mom who set up a mini-spa in her home complete with take-home spa kits and a massage. this helped us gear-up for the long night ahead. we shuttled down to the west village in style thanks to the limo shopgirl's mom ordered for us. we checked-in to the swanky hotel we booked for the occasion and met shopgirl's other friends at the (very crowded, very post-hip) bar on the roof. i was quickly reminded of
why i don't frequent such establishments when the bill came, and we found our bottle of greygoose to be $325 ($40 at a local liquor store). fortunately, there were 11 of us, so the individual damage wasn't too bad. we went on to a little bar in the east village with a cabaret license. despite being on "the list" it took us about 10 minutes to get in (9.5 minutes longer than most of us were willing to wait). it was almost worth the pain when one of the bridesmaids (who shall remain nameless) proved just how ripped she was by shaking her tail in front of just about everything that moved. it was actually hysterical from my somewhat sober perspective.

it was less hysterical when we went on to the karaoke place and she proceeded to scream "papa don't preach" along with shopgirl. i felt so sorry for the innocent bystanders who didn't know what they were getting into when they paid the $3 cover. here's a suitably anonymous pic of the two. i will spare you the shot of yours truly belting "rio" with another bridesmaid.
anyway, point is, i made it. it's monday morning, and i'm still a bit sleepy and cranky, but that's what i get for signing up for the bridesmaid gig. for those of you who haven't had the experience, be sure to think through all of the ramifications when you say "yes" to being a bridesmaid -- bridesmaid dress, shoes, shower, and, most importantly, bachelorette party. they come as a package deal.
finally, a question: do eight and a half souvenirs still exist? i have one of their songs stuck in my head thanks to a post on
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