well, i am off for a long weekend in -- you guessed it -- vegas. i'm not much of a gambler, so this trip is more of a family vacation. perhaps you remember a while back when i posted about my grandmother's slowly fading
memory.... well, she has returned home to vegas where she is most happy. she can tap dance with "the girls" and play nickel poker when she's feeling like a night out. this, of course, makes the rest of us worry sick since none of her relatives live anywhere near vegas. our compromise was that she can continue living like the showgirl that she is, so long as she lets us come and visit her every few weeks. now is my turn. it should be fun. like all grandmothers, she tends to spoil me rotten. of course, i'll miss mil like mad, but that's the duty of every spouse, so i'll do it with panache (and phone calls several times a day).
i'll report back on my return. in the meantime i leave you with this hot pic of my friend, showgirl, who i will also be visiting while in vegas. (gentlemen, she is a married woman, so stop your drooling now. ladies, she's a mother of an eight-year old, so you may commence your drooling... life is just not fair.)
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