the hudson
Originally uploaded by atb20.
indeed it is. we had a brief reprieve this week with highs in the 50s, but that came slamming to a halt with today's high of 29. i know you massachusetts folk laugh at our paltry twenty degrees, but we have to walk... outside! okay, so it's not really that bad, but i'm feeling especially lazy this weekend, and i like to have a good excuse. yesterday mil and i left the apartment twice -- once to workout (downstairs) and again to get more tissues... it wasn't until i was frumped-out (a la britney) in the elevator and ran into a woman in 3" heels (in rainy 30 degree weather) that i remembered it was saturday night. ah, i love married life...
[imagine grizzled New England fisherman voice] "29, eh? why when i was coming' up, 29 was when we'd put on shorts and play penguin ice hockey!"
actually, when i was coming up 29 might have been enough to call off school. whoo. i'm with you, man- i haven't gotten out of L's sweaters in months. boy, do i look sexy. and don't get me started on leg shaving....
occasionally when i'm with my single friends, i find myself a bit nostalgic those heady first few months of a new love... then i remember... they have to wear heels... and shave on a regular basis. i'll take married life over single life any day of the week. (that and those new loves can't hold a candle to mil... or L... or metsfan.)
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