Cow & Tree
Originally uploaded by DaveC71.
all's quiet on the friday front. i can barely keep my eyes open and all i want to do is be lazy and watch movies, and i can't believe it's only 4:30. how is that?? i feel like it should be 6:30.
here are the movies that i would be watching if i could be... and, yeah, i'm not limiting myself to movies.
1. amelie
2. x-files
3. beautiful girls
4. shopgirl
5. the squid and the whale
6. six feet under
7. ma vie en rose
8. blue... and red... not really white.
9. secrets and lies
10. when harry met sally
11. coupling (season 3.. or 4, i forget)
12. splash
13. love, actually
14. um... anything
and i'd be knitting... this.
you'll be happy to learn that today i woke up on time and i showered. yes, i think a pat-on-the-back is in order...
has anyone here ever thought about checking out of society and starting your own commune? you know raising your own cows and chickens and sheep (for the wool, of course)? keeping a seasonal vegetable garden in your backyard in vermont or something? having a neighbor with a vineyard or a brewery, so you can spice things up every now and again. sometimes it seems like a good idea. yay, and now it's 5:10!
in fact, W and I often discuss how we could work having a commune. I'm thinking there needs to be a collective house upstate. With a sheep. And a barn. And heirloom tomatoes....
you are too modest, Moosk. I love your writing.
you're too kind...
loved the teapot post, btw. had me in stitches.
if you and w ever put the commune plan into action please notify me. i'll purchase a wool wheel (or whatever they call those yarn-making contraptions) for the occasion. hopefully, you guys can wait a year or ten for new clothes.
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