Twitter / atb20

Thursday, July 02, 2009


i've continued my delinquency. i am hoping to write a three month post for nica. we'll see. time is just flying by, and not a day goes by that i don't just stare at this munchkin and wonder how she finally made it from idea into personhood. i'm still stunned that my body made another human being, and i try to remember that every time i complain about not fitting into my pre-pregnancy clothes. my body may not be perfect, but it made a pretty d*mn-near perfect little person, so i have to love it.


Tara K said...

I cannot get over how beautiful your little one is. I miss talking with you and hope that all is well!

Cartooniste said...

Me too! Nica is a marvel. And you are a marvel for making Nica. That is just mind-blowing.

Hope to see you guys soon. I owe you an email about August - coming!