Follow Your Dream
Originally uploaded by AliceinW.
not feeling very talkative this week... so i thought i'd share someone else's photograph. kinda says it all...
not feeling very talkative this week... so i thought i'd share someone else's photograph. kinda says it all...
this weekend an old friend came into town. mil and i used her visit as an excuse to try to get free tickets to shakespeare in the park. at 8am saturday, well before the city streets became thick with traffic, we were seated at the foot of an acorn-encrusted hill just north of the delacorte theatre with a couple of cups of coffee and a pack of pop-tarts. the five hour wait proved profitable, and we left with three tickets to the scottish play starring a tasty and talented liev schreiber. we spent the duration in between chomping big nicks burgers and wandering the village. we found some scrumptious ceviches and stopped in at my favorite pet store for a visit to the birdies in the back. the weather was perfect -- warm with a bit of breeze. during the show, it was hard to imagine a better setting for burnham wood than the trees perched on the edge of turtle pond. afterward, we saved up just enough energy to meet mj for a drink before crashing to bed. all-in-all it was the kind of day that reminds you why you're willing to pay such exhorbitant rent...