anouk pinafore
Originally uploaded by atb20.
so, while i'm still getting used to the fact that it is not only okay, but desireable for people my age to start having kids, i did have a lot of fun playing with two wily little munchkins at the park yesterday while catching up with friends. shortly after wiping the drool from my hands and applying aloe vera to my sunburned back, mil and i had dinner with my 6-year old cousin and video-chatted with my other 2-year old cousin in california. all of this is coming together to prepare me for the joys of aunt-hood. in a couple of months this, my personal piece de resistance, will become even cuter with the addition of a real live, human baby. hard to believe it could get any more adorable, eh?
anyway, i'm trying not to think about what's going on in the world right now. i'm just trying to be thankful for my own good fortune and help the few folks i can. maybe next week i'll start thinking about politics and all of the shameful stuff that's happening at gitmo as...i... type..., again.
btw, don't ya love my new banner?
i love your new banner!
and that's a pretty great baby outfit too. you will make a most excellent aunt.
hey- do you still do banners for affliated blogs...?
but of course! especially for my favorite bloggers!
any photos you'd like to use? it'd be cool to have something that brings to mind life in marblehead.
I have just posted an alarmingly picturesque photo of the harbor that i stole off someone else's page. a bit ironic though since i make it a point never to see the harbor at dawn....
i can't see that one for some reason, but i like the old postcard... i could try something with that. alternatively, maybe you can email me the daybreak photo. i'm up for a distraction.
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